News at St James with Emmanuel, New Brighton
Choral Evensong
Did you know that, whilst church attendances in England are generally in decline, the one service which is bucking the trend is Choral Evensong? It is now not uncommon for the larger cathedrals to...
Friday 29th September, 2017
'Special Lives' A Service of Commemoration of the Departed
Special Lives, a commemoration of the departed. A service to remember those who we have known and loved and now see God face to face. It will be held on Sunday, October 30th 6.30pm at St James Church...
Wednesday 27th September, 2017
Lifeboat Service
The Lifeboat Service is being held at St James' Church, New Brighton, on Sunday 15th October, at 10:30am. This is an opportunity to give thanks for those who risk their lives to save others. It is...
Tuesday 26th September, 2017
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Nurses in Emmanuel Coffee Lounge On Saturday 30th September. £1 includes refreshments and raffle, homemade cakes and sales table. 10.30am til 12.30pm
Sunday 17th September, 2017
Wallasey Churches Together Men's Breakfast
Wallasey Churches Together will be hosting a Men's Breakfast on Saturday 14th October, at 9-10:30am, at the InSpire Coffee Bar, Breck Road/Mill Lane, Wallasey. Free cooked breakfast for all in...
Thursday 14th September, 2017
Harvest Thanksgiving
On Sunday 24th September both of our churches will be celebrating Harvest Festival. It is an opportunity to say "thank you" for all God's good gifts to us. All donations of food items of tins and dry...
Tuesday 12th September, 2017
Ladies Fellowship an Evening on Astronomy
Ladies fellowship at Emmanuel on Thursday 14th September, 8.00pm Emmanuel reception area. The speaker is Mr Ken Clark talking about astronomy (nothing too complicated) and has some very spectacular...
Tuesday 5th September, 2017
Pop Up Tea Shoppe
Pop up Tea Shoppe is back on Saturday 23rd September.In Emmanuel Church Hall, Seabank Road Wallasey. This month we will be supporting Macmillan Cancer Research. We are open from 10 a.m until 2 p.m.
Sunday 3rd September, 2017
Carers & Tots Return
Both of our Carers & Tots groups return this month. Little Hands returns to Emmanuel on Tuesday 12th September, from 9:15-11:15am, and Parents Carers & Tots returns to St James on Monday 11th...
Friday 1st September, 2017
Prayers for all countries hit by flooding
We commend to your fatherly goodness all who are in any way afflicted or distressed, in mind, body or situation; we especially remember those enduring the flooding and its aftermath. Comfort and...
Wednesday 30th August, 2017
To Guard Against the Monsters in My Life, I Became a Monster Myself
2025-05-29 @ 11:00