Church & Community
Church Gardens

Sunday School

We have a Sunday School at both of our churches:

Mustard Seeds - St James Sunday School

Mustard Seeds at St James is a group for primary school age children to explore Bible stories during the main Sunday morning service. We enjoy all sorts of craft activities and celebrate  the major Christian festivals. Why not come and see for yourself?

Emmanuel Sunday School

Emmanuel Sunday school begins at 9:45 when the children are led out of the main church service for fun exploration of core Christian messages.   There are also several other opportunities for children to join in at several events throughout the year – including Good Friday, Easter, Harvest and Christmas craft events.

The craft sessions are a means by which the Sunday School teachers promote Christian mission to the children in the local community. The Christmas Craft session often leads on to the Christmas Tree Dressing Service during which decorations are placed on the tree which link with verses read out during the service.

Children also have an opportunity to take part in our Nativity play, this year, which can sometimes be put on in conjunction with some of our uniformed groups.

On Christmas Eve, Emmanuel regularly hosts a Christingle Service which are always very popular. These services, together with the workshops, help to encourage the children and their parents to take an active part in the Church calendar.

At the moment our Sunday School is most active in teaching children of primary school age, including little ones with their mums and dads. We look forward to continuing to build on these foundations to reach out further to the local community.  Any child attending the 9:30 Emmanuel church service is welcome to join the Sunday School, but if you would like any further information please use our contact form, addressing your query to Sara Sullivan.

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© 2025 Parish of St James with Emmanuel New Brighton. Charity Reg No: 1138041