Sam’s Ordination
For those going to Chester Cathedral on the 30th June 10.30am. It is advised to get there for 10am in order to get a seat.
There will be a bring and share picnic at Grosvenor Park following the service. In the centre of it just by the toilets. 1pm
or if it’s raining, at Sam’s parent’s house 29 Kinross Road, Wallasey CH45 8LJ. 3pm
If anyone needs a lift please let us know.
For those not coming there will be a BCP Eucharist at 8am St James and a joint service at Emmanuel at 10am
There will be a bring and share picnic at Grosvenor Park following the service. In the centre of it just by the toilets. 1pm
or if it’s raining, at Sam’s parent’s house 29 Kinross Road, Wallasey CH45 8LJ. 3pm
If anyone needs a lift please let us know.
For those not coming there will be a BCP Eucharist at 8am St James and a joint service at Emmanuel at 10am

Monday 3rd June, 2024
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