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Can you help us find these families?

Can you help us find these families?

Can you help us find these families?
Counting the names on our War Memorials, 194 men paid the ultimate sacrifice in defence of our country: there are 130 names on St James’ War Memorial and 64 names on the plaque at Emmanuel.
Do you know anything about these men or their families?
Loose leaf files are now in both churches for you to help us to find out more about these brave men. If you know anything, write it down and pop it into one of the clear plastic wallets in the file or email me (suechadwick51@gmail.com). We hope to use some of this information in our Special Service of Remembrance marking the centenary of end of WW1 on November 10th at 4pm (St James’ Church).

When you go home, tell them of us and say
For your tomorrow, we gave our today

John Maxwell Edmonds (1875-1958) Kohima Epitaph


article by Sue Chadwick
Friday 14th September, 2018



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