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Midweek Holy Communion at Emmanuel 10am The Prayer of Fursa

Midweek Holy Communion at Emmanuel 10am The Prayer of Fursa

During our Midweek Services at Emmanuel which is currently held at 10am, we are exploring the Celtic Breastplate Prayer of Fursa over the coming months.

May the yoke of the Law of God be on my shoulder,
The coming of the Holy Spirit on my head,
The sign of Christ on my forehead,
The hearing of the Holy Spirit in my ears,
The smelling of the Holy Spirit in my nose,
The vision of the people of heaven in my eyes,
The speech of the people of heaven in my mouth,
The work of the church of God in my hands,
The good of God and of neighbor in my feet,
May God dwell in my heart, and may I belong entirely to God the Father.

Breastplate Prayer of Fursa, an Irish missionary (c. 650) as recounted by Cindy Crosby in Ancient Christian Devotional: A Year of Weekly Readings (downers Grove, Il: Ivp, 2007) 216-217.
Link for week 13


article by Rev Heather Atkinson
Thursday 3rd September, 2020



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